Well two days out of the office - but all in a good cause. My husband was 60 today and we had lunch out. Yesterday we picked up friends from the local airport which is near a large industrial area so also managed to get a lot of things we cannot get locally.
Now what has all this to do with being a Virtual Assistant - well planning.
I have planned cover for my business - organised and all the clients know.
Jobs that come in to be done when I am back at work get printed off with a to-do sheet, per client, stapled to the front and each new item gets written on it and the mail filed. That is just my way of planning.
My husband planned the last two days as he plans everything, in writing, as a list and ticks it off as he does it. He leaves early so make sure he arrives on time and as he is project managing our build keeps records of everything.
Goal setting and planning are so important - you MUST get into the habit of doing both. If you would like a free copy of Setting Goals 2006, please go to http://www.iceni-it.co.uk/free_downloads/SettingGoals2006.pdf
This is typical of the free resources we give away with our newsletter on a regular basis, so if you would like to go to http://www.iceni-it.co.uk and register for our newsletter, the next download will be a free months 'fun' and quizzes game to help you develop your business mind-set whilst enjoying yourself.
Di Chapman - who has her goals written on a white board where she can see them all day while she sits at her desk - yes I practice what I preach.