Monday, June 12, 2006

8 Steps to Kick Start Your Virtual Assistant Practice

Well the site is really and truly up and running and our new complimentary e-book '8 Steps to Kick Start Your Virtual Assistant Practice' can be downloaded from here.

We have had a lot of really nice reviews and e-mails from both those wanting to be, new and experienced VAs. They all say the content is useful and very helpful.

Members of the AUKVA (Alliance of UK Virtual Assistants) have kindly sent in articles which I have put up as there is nothing as important as advice and help from your peers. There is also a page on digital transcription where I have two links to pages on the AUKVA site. This complex subject is described in detail both from the VA and Clients viewpoint and is written by AUKVA members.

I hope that the weather is kinder to you than it is to us. At the moment it is above 30C and we also have a gale blowing for a lot of the time. I don't mean a breeze - that would be great, I mean a howling hot gale. The garden is as put out as I am by it all.

Time for a tip?

I notice in all the mails I get that many of you are missing a trick - were are your signatures detailing what you do, where is your URL and where is your confidentiality statement?

With Outlook you can have as many signatures as you want. I have various signatures - for clients, VAs, friends, and forum posts.

My signature on VA posts is:

Best wishes

Di Chapman
The Award Winning Virtual Assistant Resource site for new and aspiring Virtual Assistants.
Download your complimentary business e-book, '8 Steps to Kick Start Your Virtual Assistant Practice'

Winner, E-Business, (Small Company) Essex Countywide Business Awards
Winner, E-Business, (Small Company), Colchester and District Business Awards
Address and phone number goes here.

This message is private and confidential and may be legally privileged. No person other than the intended recipient may utilise the whole or any part of this message and/or its attachments. If any person other than the intended recipient views this message and/or attachment, please inform the sender immediately. All copyright and other intellectual property rights lie with the sender. All text, attachments and other parts of this message must be checked by every recipient (intended or otherwise) for viruses, trojans, worms and other matter, as to which the sender accepts no responsibility or liability.

When you send a mail - advertise your presence with every mail - get noticed, change the colour - stand out. You will be remembered eventually (they say it takes 6 to 8 times for your name to be seen for it to be remembered).

I hope you found the above tip useful. Used on forums you will find it creates a lot of interest - even if the forum has nothing but nothing to do with your business, everyone knows someone and I have got work from posting to forums on gardening topics :).

Enjoy June, summer is really here.

Best wishes,
Di Chapman, the Award Winning Virtual Assistant