Sunday, May 14, 2006

Website is up and running

The Become a Virtual Assistant website is up and running. It is still in the beta stage for items such as the autoresponder which should be working tomorrow but a temporary one is working now to allow access to the downloadable resources area where we have put items that should help any new Internet business.

We are looking for articles and experiences from those who have been in the industry for a few years. This like any business takes hard work and time and effort but is really worth it. I must admit I forgot just how much work putting up a site like this takes but it has been worth it as I have had so many mails and kind words regarding the site.

Please let us have any comments you may have via our contact form and we will try to help in any way we can. I have already been asked for help with marketing and website optimisation. I have put a downloadable book on site optimisation in the members area and will add a marketing book shortly. The members area is, like the rest of the site totally free and is there to help you start or improve your Virtual Assistant business.

I hope that those of you in the USA had a wonderful Mothers Day and the rest of you a great weekend. It alternates between hot and cold and wet at the moment. That is the fun living 1,500 feet up on a remote wooded hill.

I will let you know when the new autoresponder is live - due to the anti-spam laws those of you already members will get a new opt-in form, please just click to enable me to keep sending you updates and other information.

Many thanks for all your support.

Di Chapman -