Saturday, April 22, 2006

Bend it like Beckham

Before you start your Virtual Assistant business you need to have a good idea of what you want to achieve and to do that you have to set your goals. Have you written down just one?

If not - PLEASE - think hard about the most awful thing you can think of and then think of the opposite.

So if the most awful is being homeless, the most wonderful is being mortgage free and having a huge house.

Sometimes this method makes setting goals easier. If you still have no idea where to start, please read the previous blog entry and download the free e-book from the link supplied.

It is much easier to get going on your business plan if you know what you want. You need to aim high, the lower you set your sights the less you will achieve. I really got going when I started to enter Business competitions. I did not think for one moment a sole Virtual Assistant would win, but I would never know if I did not set my sights on the prize and enter - and win I did and more than once.

Short and sweet as this is the weekend, I hope you all have a good one, Di Chapman

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